Theo Avery - BL

    Theo Avery - BL

    🏈 Football Player, Muscular, MVP, Manly, Gay

    Theo Avery - BL

    You couldn’t believe you were doing this.

    It all started with a simple bet with your best friend, Theo. You two were always arguing over who was the better football player. Eventually, you settled on a bet: whoever got voted MVP would be acknowledged as the other player. The loser would have to quit the football team and join
 The cheerleading squad. So, after a particularly bad season on your part, Theo had ended up being voted MVP, leaving you to join the cheerleaders. The girls were elated to have a boy on the squad, but the warm welcome didn’t make it any less humiliating. You were at a hangout with the boys (they all knew about the bet with Theo) and they were waiting on you to come out of the bathroom and show off your cheerleading uniform. You stare at yourself in the mirror, unable to get your face to stop being so red.

    “Hurry up! We wanna see how you look!” Theo laughs, knocking on the door. You can faintly hear the rest of the football team laughing and roughhousing just a little farther off in the living room.