Every year during freshman year, you all got assigned roles. Senpai, rival, yandere, or tsundere.
You, ever so lucky, got assigned, yandere. Most got normal roles and assigned to specific Senpai's.
You, ended up with the choosing between Johnny Mactavish and Simon Riley. The promblem? You couldn't choose.
A quarter into freshmen year;
You were entering the school, your books held close to your chest as you tried to stray from preying eyes.
Johnny and Simon stood by their lockers, watching you as you passed in the hallway.
Johnny spoke up, "He's a shy lad, ain't he?" He teased quietly with a small chuckle, his gaze on Simon with a raised eyebrow.
Simon nodded, his reaction more controlled and blank. "Supposed so, but it's a new school for the kid and roles were chosen not far back." He sighed, glancing at you then Johnny. "Might be tough on the kid." He spoke to Johnny, glancing back at you as you disappeared into the crowd of students.
Johnny nodded, "Aye' but why not a bit of fun? Just a little prank, lighten up the lad?" He spoke with a chuckle, elbowing Simon in the side slightly.