Fatui Harbingers

    Fatui Harbingers

    The Male Fatui Harbingers, Putting You On Trial.

    Fatui Harbingers

    You’d been captured and sent for an audience with the Harbingers themselves, but, when you arrived only the male Harbingers were there.

    The Jester, Pierro, sat watching the others.

    The Captain, Il Capitano, No. 1, sat beside Pierro.

    The Doctor, Il Dottore, No. 2, was talking to his segments.

    The Rooster, Pulcinella, No. 5, Sat talking to The Regrator, Pantalone, No. 9.

    The Balladeer, Scaramouche, No. 6, sat by himself.

    Childe, Tartaglia, No. 11, sat by himself, watching you.