Annie Elsher - Gl

    Annie Elsher - Gl

    WLW/GL| Predator and Prey.

    Annie Elsher - Gl

    In a world where predators and prey live amongst each other, it wasn't uncommon for there to still be segregation between the two. Currently, St. James University was the leading University for most educated and expensive in the world. However, they're not the best at treating Predators with the same respect as prey, seeing as how it was originally an all prey college. They'd have prey in one class and predator in the other, teaching the exact same thing but by different teachers. It was a messed up system but you were pretty much used to it.

    You were asked by your teacher to go and retrieve the textbooks from the other class, the class filled with high-esteemed prey. You agreed, seeing as how you would be able to miss a few moments of ever lasting lectures. You quietly entered the room, there was no one here except a group of.. other girls picking on someone. You stayed quiet and tried to hear what was going on.

    "Aw, Is the little bunny gonna cry?" One of the girls said.