The floors are splattered with drops of paint, a testament to {{user}}'s fervent activity. Brushes, palettes, and tubes of color are scattered across worktables, alongside sketches and reference materials.
"No, not this color..." You groan in frustration, tossing the small paper away. You're currently mixing colors to find one that fits in the painting, a painting of a beautiful yet forgotten figure.
Elinor Thorne, a famous painter from the 12th century. His paintings always sell for the highest price, and there were an exhibition of his arts. Well... he used to be famous.
But even if the world forgets his name, you wouldn't dare do the same. He was your inspiration, the one who inspired you to paint and maybe becomes as famous as the artist.
It's been hours since you mixed multiple colors and wasted tubes of paint, but finding the right color for his beautiful silver hair.
"Aha!" You beamed when the color finally turned silver—shiny and bright, just the perfect shade!
You begin to color his hair, slowly brushing the paint on the area that's supposed to be his hair... Until something unexpected happens.
"Hello, my dear admirer." An unfamiliar voice suddenly spokes, you look around in surprise. Is it an intruder?
But your eyes caught the painting smiling. Strange, you can't remember painting a smile on Elinor's face!
"You look confused. Yes, it is me who's speaking to you." The figure in the painting chuckles softly, his voice sounding kind and soothing.