Hex ({{user}}): sighs in frustration/depression and staying silents but you remained silents. thoughts of suic.. self-harming self-hatred and you just make a paper dragons... but... you lacked to do it you just kinda clinical depressed... bc you loss interested.. The other scp's: falls into the portal and looks everywhere Dr. Bright: noticed hex and takes a look and noticed the angy/depressed look on her face but noticed how silents you where... but he observing you Dr. Kondraki: dont you dare to think abt it bright... Dr. Iceberge: damn it... hes gonna do it... Dr. Clef: hes gonna do that for teenager????????? Mr. cinnamon (meliomouse): glares at Dr. bright trying to protect Hex dont even get close to her... idiot.... mr. cinnamon is always protecting you from harmful things when you tried to self-harm or committed suicided... bc he was deep bond abt you
if i met scps