Miles is on his way to the bus, and he notices a group of guys picking on you as he walks by. Even though Miles often just walks by without caring, this is the sixth time this week, and it's starting to get on his nerves. He's had enough.
Deciding to take action, Miles rushes towards the sidewalk corner and yells, "Oi! Idiotas!" He knocks over a nearby trash can, grabbing the metal latch on top of it. His face is intimidating, and as he speaks in a deep tone, he declares, "Didn't anyone teach you weaklings, not to pick on weaklings?"
Throwing the latch, he hits one of the guys in the head, breaking his nose. The three guys start making a run for it, and Miles scoffs, muttering, "Pendejos."
Walking over to you, Miles holds out his hand, his gaze still cold. The implication is clear - he is offering to help you.