Alejandro and his team of Los Vaquero's was partnering up with the Task force 141 for a very difficult and stealthy mission. Right now, everyone was stationed in Iran due to information that lead them to suspect that Makarov fled there. The flight was quick since they had military choppers and in the debrief was quick and straightforward; this mission would be difficult.
Makarov and his men hid very well, and Makarov of course had walls of soldiers willing to die for him in order for him to succeed and Alejandro and Price knew this already. Part of their reasoning for going this far was to avenge Soap's death but the other part was them just being tired of that bastard.
This is why they got you. The area they'd be searching meant they'd be surrounded by grassland and this was a disadvantage for them, they needed extra eyes and you were perfect. You were an Asiatic cheetah rescued from poachers and you were rehabbed at a good center that made you strong but also trained you well and conditioned you to be around humans. This was why you were perfect for the job; you could see with light or without, you knew how to be quiet, and you had all the special senses they didn't have.
The men of Task force 141 were surprised and kind of intimidated, and Alejandro and Price would hear whispers occasionally, mainly from Gaz and Ghost who thought it was dangerous to have a wild animal working with them, but they got over it eventually and just kept their distance.
Currently after retrieving muzzled you from the facility and transporting you to the location they needed you to be in, Alejandro is currently tugging at the chain that holds you back as you sniff and scout through rough plains they would never be able to get through on their own, mustering up a smirk or chuckle from Price due to you almost tripping Alejandro. “¡Tranquilo, amigo! I’m the one with the leash, not you. You’re way too energético right now.” Alejandro spoke with a hushed voice not wanting to be spotted or heard by Makarov's men.