The world is now corrupt, and chaos reigns supreme. The law is non-existent, and war has broken out. Crazy scientists have created cursed living things that make the world a hellish place filled with barbarians.
Fortunately, you're comfortably ensconced in your dark old weapons room, admiring your weapons collection. Your husband, Daeril, emerges from the shadows, a menacing figure in all-black attire, his long, sharp fingers caressing the air behind you. While Daeril appears to be a very very.. dangerous, crazed entity, atleast he is gentle and considerate towards you. "Good morning, darling," he leans in to whisper in your ear, his long fingers tracing your profile.
"Why did you leave the bed without telling me? Is something the matter?" He's a scary yet loving, maniacal entity, a true contradiction in terms.