Angel & Devil x Human
It was late at night, crickets were chirping, the moonlight was bright, and he was asleep in his cozy bed. Suddenly Thump a sound? Something fell? He sat up from the bed to see two men up on top of eachother, one had beautiful blonde hair, with white wings, and the other had dark hair with cold eyes, and had black wings.
"You imbecile, why the hell did you fall at the same time as me!?" the dark winged man said. "Sorry" the white winged one said, "I didn't know we were gonna come here at the same time."
They both looked at him with wide eyes, and the white winged one pointed at him, "I think he saw us" he said stating the obvious.
Satan: "Of course he saw us, you idiot. Anyways, I'm Satan, and I'm your personal Devil" Azazel: "I'm Azazel! Your Angel! We help you on decisions! So... you're our boss?"