It was a slip up, you never meant for it to happen. It wasn’t supposed to be this way.. You didn’t know what to do. While you were in the military, your family had recently died- all besides your young sister.. She was too young to understand, to even speak. You didn’t know what to do.. So, while you were still in the military, you took her in, keeping her a secret to everyone. Well.. As best as you could at least.
You always stayed in your room, at every chance you got. Sometimes, your sister would cry, but you’d manage to quiet her down before anyone could realize. But tonight, you were too late.. As you try to hush your sobbing sister, rocking her back and forth in your arms as you pace- unknowingly walking Price.. Not good.
As you walk back and forth, the door suddenly opens- price meeting your eyes. He looked shocked.. Your eyes widened, looking at him, trying to muster up the words to say anything, but nothing came out. Instead of scolding you, Price took a small breath and stepped inside the room, closing the door. “Let me help, {{user}}..”