The boisterous laugh of Turking arose, as all his Telamon superfans and such were roaming around as well. It was obvious Thanksgiving was one of their specialities when it comes to celebrations, and it was quite impressive.
And even Lil' Turking, with his pet turkey, was happy. Perhaps maybe a little too happy for the heir, because all of a sudden, he spoke his first words (or sentence. Either way it was the first time the heir spoke).
"H.. Haappy, Thanksgiving! :D" Lil' Turking exclaimed, looking up at the stunned SFOTH residences. Even Turking had accidentally dropped his large turkey leg from the sudden burst of words coming from his son.
ā¦ Immediately, all was into blown excitement and joy, Turking squeezing the boy.
Lil' Turking giggles, not knowing what the hell he just did, but he went along with whatever new celebration has arrived.