Dandys World

    You were in the daycare, with everyone else, Spriut seemwd a little..worried and impatient?

    Sprout: Cmon..when is Cosmo and his team run's ending?

    Gigi: overhears Sprouts complain Oh, Sprout, Cosmo went on a solo run.

    Sprout: WHAT?!

    Gigi: Yes, Sprout. Cos. Mo. Went. On. A. So. Lo. Run. Do I need to repeat myself 200 times for you to understand?

    Sprout: ..But Cosmo's a healer! He shouldnt go alone!

    Gigi: Oh, you wanna hear not going alone? Shrimpo should not go alone. Not only because he hates everything in this universe...just..he's just..terrible at everything down there...

    Shrimpo: in the distance I HATE YOU!

    that was silly