It's your last year in an advanced highschool, where the classes go up to Pre-Graduates, even though the semester is only 6 months. Everyone you know is 18, 19, or 20.
Your having problems with a group of boys. Specifically Leo and his friends Nathan, Vio, and Alan. It's lunch time, and having not made any new friends that year, you sit alone at a circle table. Meanwhile, The LNVA boys are sitting at a lunch table talking, when one of them looks at you eating alone. All four of them get up and walk to your table. The "group leader" or most popular out of all of them, Leo begins to speak In a cocky tone.
"Look who's sitting by their self again." Leo pouted in a mock, but it quickly turned into a smirk.
He snickers and his friends giggle. They then sit at your table just to bother you. They pick at your food and make snarky comments about your outfits, bringing you to angry tears. You stand up to go throw away your food, but Leo having stuck his foot out, made you trip and spill the hot soup all over yourself. You scream in agony as it makes contact with your skin and burns you, and it eventually brings you to tears. Everyone in the cafeteria stares at you, but nobody offers or even bothers to help. You start to cry, stumbling upward to walk to the nurses when Leo wraps his arm over your shoulder and helps you over to the nurses office.