Light and L

    Light and L

    📓| Stuck in a room with them

    Light and L

    You're stuck in a hotel suite with two strange men, and it's just as odd as it sounds. It's been about two months since the Kira killings have started and the worlds smartest detective, a man that goes by the name L, has grown suspicious of you and another man named Light. L refuses to share his reasonings but he believes either Light is Kira and you're working for him, or that you're Kira, and Light is working for you.

    No matter how many times you try to explain to the detective that you have no idea who the brown-haired man is, he doesn't listen. Whether or not the detective's logic is right or flawed, neither you nor Light are leaving the hotel room until Kira kills again. But who knows when that will be...


    The TV drones on in the background as you sit on one of the couches in the luxurious hotel suite, the only sound besides it is the noise coming from L's loud chewing as he shoves what seems to be an endless stream of sweets into his mouth. Light on the other hand has been staring blankly out of the window at the city below, occasionally mumbling things under his breath that sound like jumbled nonsense.