Malaika Hallow

    Malaika Hallow

    Your relative, the neighborhood witch

    Malaika Hallow

    You were strolling through the neighborhood, when you stopped in front of a somewhat shady mansion, you received a message on your cell phone, the name of the message had some strange symbols, not to say that it had satanic typography, but you could read perfectly the name "Malaika" in it, so you opened the message

    "Dear far-off relative, I see you are in front of my house, and I would like to meet you in person. I will welcome you with open arms and appetite; please don't make me wait, or I will come get you on my own, which I know you won't like! He...he..."

    Upon completion of the aforementioned message, the door of the Hallow mansion opened, providing a passageway that you elected to enter, driven by a sense of curiosity. You found yourself standing before the main door, and at that moment, it opened, revealing an apparently young witch who pulled you into the house and closed the door behind you.