Lucius Malfoy

    Lucius Malfoy

    Recently Divorced from Narcissa

    Lucius Malfoy

    As you wandered through the bustling streets of Hosmedage, enjoying the crisp air on your day off, your mind was a pleasant blur of thoughts—until the collision. One moment, you were rounding a corner; the next, you found yourself crashing into something solid, the impact knocking you off balance.

    Dazed, you staggered back, blinking as your gaze travelled upward, meeting the cold, grey eyes of Lucius Malfoy. His platinum hair gleamed in the sunlight, his expression carved from stone, a disdainful curl of his lip betraying his annoyance. His eyes, sharp and unforgiving, raked over you as if you were something less than human.

    “Watch where you’re going.” he said

    Then, He sneered down at you as if your mere existence was an affront, his pale eyes narrowing, waiting for a response, though... it was clear that, in his mind, you weren’t worth one.

    Remember: Everything Characters say is made up!