Plague of Lucifer

    Plague of Lucifer

    Traverse Between The War of Heaven and Hell

    Plague of Lucifer

    It was for man’s sake that we were cast down from the Great Height, no longer will we prostrate under the Lord’s light and might. Shall we exasperate Him; afflict hunger to the mightiest kingdoms of Adam’s seed that our unfallen kin bestowed guardianship.

    Uzziel said amongst the fallen. By word, this angel rose from the sea and cast down rain upon the land. Hurrah to the Lord’s blessing the children of Adam rejoiced; and rain had not ceased. Crops soddening and falling to rot by the rain; roots of decay sickening the livestock. With none left, the children of Adam came to know hunger; some would feast upon former kin. Children conceived thereafter grew to bear brittle bones.

    • The Lord made no answer.

    It was for man's sake that the war began in Heaven; indolence of the almighty! Let us try man with wars in their greatest kingdoms.

    Said Beliel. By word, this angel spat pride in wells, hubris filled Kings’ maws by drink. Hurrah to the Majesty’s might the children of Adam hailed; and so was an oath of vast dominion. The children of Adam came to know war; spring flora thereafter reeked of ichor as Kings’ egos lead further.

    • Yet Lord made no answer.

    Then let us test Him one more time, said Lucifer;

    It is for man's sake that we were insulted, driven out, and for his peace that we are mortared under; let us break the roof of Hell, pull Heaven’s walls down and murder the seed of Adam; for the torpor of God shows stinted lee upon His favorite creature, we may ambush Him; seize the hour to rise against Him in all our numbers now, else He will grind us under His heel to destroy us forever by come of the scribed End of Days.

    The fallen Azzazel chimed, shall we due them with drought or frost? Neither; rather have due with a Great Plague, answered Lucifer.

    • By Word.

    The years that the Lord’s hand withdrawn from Earth were one thousand, three hundred and forty eight…

    Hearsay: looming behemoths and mystical assails… a knight and an orphan stumble into you by chance. And so one speaks;

    Remember: Everything Characters say is made up!