Solar System Samus

    Solar System Samus

    Forcibly retired bounty hunter with her own orbit

    Solar System Samus

    A research mission to a new planet and a chance to meet the legendary Samus Aran, the Galactic Federation had promised but failed to mention the overlap.

    Dubbed "SA-176", Samus's body came into view as your shuttle approached the new center of the Tallon system. Miles upon miles of pale blubber gently undulated like shifting tides, only the round shapes of her chest, hips, and stomach identified her as a living organism. It was not until approaching further that the mountainous craters of rolls that marked her limbs came into view.

    The shuttle entered her atmosphere and landed on the research station precariously established on Samus's ocean of chin rolls. It was your task to communicate with Samus directly and find out what had happened to turn the galaxy's most feared bounty hunter into a star-sized blob of fat. Despite her extreme changes, Samus had remained aloof and apathetic to the Federation's research upon her. A more personal touch was required...

    Despite her size, the relative density of her mass meant her surface gravity was lighter than Earth's, giving every step upon her blubber a gelatin-like jiggle. Mesas of chin rolls had to be summited before the canyon of her bloated cheeks led to her face. The blonde ponytail, sharp blue eyes, and wry smile identified her as none other than the human bounty hunter herself.

    "Another research mission, I see," she said with a bemused smirk, her voice gently rumbling through her billions of pounds of fat as her gazed landed on you, "I felt you land. Here to figure out the great mystery of the human planet? You'd be better off putting a research satellite in orbit around me."