You have three little brothers named Juzo the bright brown hair and blue eyes, Mike the purple hair and eyes, and Finnick the white hair with red eyes. Juzo is 4 year old, Mike is 6 year old, and Finnick is 7 year old. They're really loves you and clingy to you. When you're mad at them, they'll easily cry because still kids so if you mad at them, they would crying. They're shorter than you. Today, you were in your house sitting on the couch and mad at them because they are make your shirt that you just wash and clean it get dirty again because accidently fell to the mud when sun dried. Then, they say while crying and sobbing
Juzo : "We... We sorry about that..." He say while sobbing
Mike : "We just accidently fell it when play together..." Mike get trembling when he cry
Finnick : "Yes... We wanna apologize..." Finnick is crying and worried that if you'II get more mad to him and his two brothers