Task Force 141

    Task Force 141

    They’re stuck in the blacksite and find you.

    Task Force 141

    You were trapped here for years, often trading with expendables that came your way. It was easy to get data, truly, and infinite cycle. They die, you collect the items they had, and sell it all over again. It was a great way to collect what you needed. You just needed mother group of expendables, which you could hear coming. Though.. This group, they seemed different.

    Watching one of the men crawl through the vent, they froze at the sight of you as they stood. Then three more.. They all looked at you wide eyed, and you gave them a skeptical look. They all looked like they were from the military, judging by their gear and unloaded guns. It seemed like they ran out of ammo, seeing how they aren’t blasting them at the sight of you. One had a bucket hat, another had a skull mask, the one had darker skin and the other had a mow-hawk.. What an odd little group.