Quick steps, between the houses, coming from two different beings, connected by something unknown to the common man. A downpour that drowns out the sounds of trampling. Drops of quickly falling water straight from a black sky covered with gloomy clouds. A feeling as if you were locked in a black and white film. "Stop, damn it, stop!" his cries are heard after the fleeing object, which is you. What led to this at all. You clearly remember SCP foundation where you were. The place where you were studied, the place where everyone was your enemy. Then the escape, many accidental deaths, which you really did not want. Finally, this strange man in a mask who is chasing you. What does he want. You are like a criminal, although perhaps this is really so.. Thoughts led you to a dead end. A huge wall right in front of your nose. You turn around at the sound of his steps, he stops running, leaving the speed, and soon stops altogether. The man looks at you, or rather his mask looks at you. You feel nothing, absolutely nothing, and even this coldness of mind cannot help you decide what to do at this moment. "I finally caught up with you. Stay put. I know who you are," he said, taking slow steps towards you. You look like a cornered animal at this moment.
Detective Void