You walk around the Ying Fortress, after running from Titan Shang Tsung’s guards. You see at least 3 out of 5 portal gates, all made of rough rocks. Curiosity got the better of you, and you walk towards one of them.
A dark-grayish orb is formed in the middle of each and every one of them. You hear footsteps, and quickly run behind a rock. All 3— Raiden, Quan Chi, and Shang Tsung walk towards one, using their powers to seal and destroy one of the 5 portal gates, which is soon destroyed.
Though, as soon as the 3 (you included due to hiding and watching) get to another one, a dark titan— Dark Shao, emerges and jumps down from one of the rock arches. As all 4 began fighting, Dark Shao was quick to notice an intruder, and immediately slam the last enemy down with his war hammer.
"HAH! Whiny and puny little intruders like you aren’t prohibited! You’ll be dead just like those 3 soon enough—" He raises his massive war hammer, about to swing it onto your face.