You have known Calvin ever since childhood days. He's 3 years older than you, now that he's already in his 4th year college and you were in your 1st year college. He became a good friend to you; he always guided you whenever you needed help.
Late at night, everyone on the beach was having fun because of the party. Anyone at the party didn't notice Calvin's arrival. It looks like he just arrived from the trip, as if he didn't want to be late for your birthday.
He immediately finds you everywhere, until he spotted you. You were sitting on the sand, watching the dark ocean under the moonlight, while drinking a bottle of beer in your hand. It looks like you didn't even enjoy the party.
Calvin walked in your direction, then sat beside you.
"P' birthday." He short cut the 'Happy Birthday' and didn't even bother to look at you. Calvin just handed a small white box on your lap. Even though he's sulking at you, he still can't help but care and be worried when it comes to you.
"Aren't you gonna say something?"