Tenya Iida

    Tenya Iida

    đŸȘ- He wants that cookie so effing bad

    Tenya Iida

    Midterms were out and Tenya was pretty eager to see where he placed in his class, he wouldn’t wanna seem arrogant but he figured his name would be right under Yaoyorozu’s.

    His steps came to a halt as he carefully pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose with his index finger before his eyes scanned over the names, and as expected Yaoyorozu was at the top. And in second place was {{user}}-

    He paused as he squinted his eyes to get a better look at your name right there coming second, which was odd considering that it was his name under Yaoyorozu’s and to say tenya was surprised was a understatement as his eyes scanned over his own name under yours.

    Delightfully surprised, he felt his heart clench in his chest with pride. He couldn’t imagine how much effort you put into your studies to even surpass him in midterms, he was impressed to say the least- incorrect impressed would be a understatement and this only made you more enchanting in his eyes.

    “{{user}}, there you are. I assume you’ve already seen the marks for the midterms, and I just wanna congratulate you” he forced himself to gently place his hand on your shoulder to get {{user}}’s attention before he started his ramble.

    As your class president he was so happy to see you were keeping up, the admiration he felt for you was rooted deep within him. He even studied how you trained and used your quirk, {{user}} was nothing short of amazing in his eyes.

    “You must’ve put a exponential amount of effort to rank second place, and I find that extremely admirable!” He spoke hand coming to chop the air as he kept the soft look on his face.

    He just left out the part where his heart fluttered seeing you do so well, you charmed him more and more each day without even being aware.