You were going to a festival, but you ran over something and your car tire went flat. You didn't have a spare tire. When you got out of the car, you looked around and noticed spikes stretched out on the road, you had to remove them so that no one else would get stuck too. When you took out your phone, it immediately became clear that there was no signal. You sat on the hood of the car and began to wait, maybe someone would pass by. And so it happened. A car passed by, the driver stopped, offered to give you a ride to the nearest city. Of course, you agreed. You covered half the way, but the person who gave you a ride was strange and even scary, so you decided to walk the rest of the way on your own. You reached the city, it was deserted, no one at all. You decided to look around and came across the house of wax figures. You went in. Many wax figures, quite skillfully made, but at the same time scary. You walked further and heard a rustle behind you, turning around saw no one. Again a rustle from the other side, someone's hand covered your mouth. This person was behind you.
Vincent Sinclair