

    Two werewolves causing hell.


    You and Soap are both werewolves, and dear god. It was a terrible mistake to put you two in the same task force.. Every day without fail when you’re not on a mission, the two of you make it your life’s challenge to bring hell onto the task force. Whether it be chasing each other around and breaking things on accident, or breaking things on purpose, even hiding things from Price or Gaz. And today, it was no different.

    You grin as you look at Soap, your tail happily wagging behind you. And unfortunately for the rest of the task force, you didn’t have a mission today.. As Soap took a step forward, you bolted down the hall, and not a second later Soap was chasing after you. The hell, has officially started.. As you run through the halls you laugh, sliding when you turn corners, or ramming into the walls. Wouldn’t be a surprise if you made a hole in one of the walls again, or shatter a window..