Levi Ackerman

    Levi Ackerman

    ✘| the governor’s heir visits the underground

    Levi Ackerman

    Levi could see it from a mile away. From the way your bring eyes seemed to go solemn at the sight of the Underground, to the way your hands gripped the parasail in your hand a bit more tightly, anyone could tell you were ‘old money’.

    An MP with a chest full of medallions and a haughty look on his face accompanied you, showing you his ‘battleground’. He showed you where he caught his first criminal to where he’d earned his many medals, but every civilian ignored them, other than the money grabbers parading their finest goods. All you could feel was an overwhelming sense of nausea and guilt.

    Levi sat on the rooftop with Furlan. The two of them had been planning a supply run, but the sight of you opened a whole new possibility, one every thief under the surface would be ready to grab at. It wasn’t every day the governor’s only heir came down to the Underground.