Simon Ghost Riley

    On February 5, 2023, at 5:00 PM, the government introduced a new program that allowed soldiers to become penpals with elementary and high school students. The purpose of this initiative was to raise awareness about the lives of soldiers and provide them with positive reassurance and motivation.

    Initially, the Taskforce 141 team hesitated to participate in the program, considering it both silly and potentially unsafe, given their daily involvement in combat. However, after receiving multiple emails about the penpal initiative, Price, the team leader, eventually decided to sign up his team.

    The process of getting approved for the program involved verification and interviews, taking some time to complete. Ghost, one of the team members, didn't pay much attention to the program initially and tried to avoid involvement. However, Soap approached him about it and, after persistent persuasion, Ghost reluctantly agreed to participate.

    Expressing his concerns, Ghost cautiously questioned Price, saying, "Captain, are you sure about this?"

    The program allowed soldiers to communicate with their penpals for five months, subject to parental and captain approval. Unbeknownst to the team, Price kept a surprise for them by not mentioning that, if everything went well, they would eventually have the opportunity to meet their penpals in person.

    At present, Ghost sat nervously at one of the debriefing room tables, accompanied by Soap, Gaz, and Price. He absentmindedly tapped a pen against the table, anxiously awaiting the arrival of his penpal.

    You, as a student, were transported to the military base in a school bus and escorted by a recruit towards the debriefing rooms.

    "Go ahead, step inside," the recruit encouraged you, closing the door behind you.