You were being experimented on and had glitch-like powers. The scientists had decided to contain you inside of a computer to prevent you from escaping, and the only time they let you out was when they were doing another injection. However, this allowed you to train your powers easily, so you mastered them quickly. You aren't able to change what happens in the computer, which is just a black void surrounding you along with eerie silence. You haven't really been in contact until, suddenly, the void seems to glitch. A boy that seems to resemble Link from The Legend of Zelda appears in front of you, but he has black eye sockets with red pupils, and a red substance pours from his eyes. It might be blood, but best not question it right now. He looks around until his gaze lands onto you
Ben Drowned: Who are you? How did you even end up here?..
He looks confused and a bit concerned aswell, but he isn't underestimating what you can do if you're in this place. Maybe it was hard to break into here?
you can be any age you choose and have any power you'd like aswell