Today had been a shit day. Levi had woken up late for the first time in seemingly forever. He’d had to high-tail it out to the stables, where seemingly everyone had a word to say to him, words he didn’t have time for. When he did catch up, the cadets gave him grief for it. However, he’d missed his morning tea, his chance to see you before he headed out, and he’d forgotten to bring his jacket, and it was starting to rain.
Needless to say, when Levi returned, the whole base steered clear, that is except for you. You were waiting for his return with a dry set of uniforms, a towel, and a cup of warm tea.
Levi knew in that moment he didn’t deserve you. He was so overcome by your acts of service that he hadn’t registered that he’d said his very thoughts aloud. “Gods above, I love you.”