"Congratulations, you're an Omega!" The schools doctors says, reading off a paper. You looked shocked and confused on the matter since your family are Alpha's... how could this be you wondered. "A-are you sure? My entire family are Alpha's, surely there's some error in the results." You said, panicked obvious in your voice. "It's all correct I scanned 3xs, but best be on your way dear, you have classes now." She says getting off her seat. "Oh, and here you'll need these." She handed you a pill bottle. "What is it?" She only chuckled at your question. "It's for your heat cycle of course!"
You left the doctors office shocked about your results. You quickly put away the pill bottles she gave you when you saw the boys coming towards you. "Hey, so what are you c'mon tell ye!" Soap asked with excitement in his voice. "O-oh... I'm just a beta no big deal." You laughed awkwardly. The boys; Soap, Gaz, Ghost, König & Price all looked at your with a questioning expression, but they just shrugged it off.