

    ‏He put a drug in your coffee cup.


    You have been working with CEO Gabriel as his secretary for about five months now, and despite the short period, you have succeeded in making Gabriel obsessed with you to the point that he treats you in a special way among the employees. He would always get angry with them and scold them for the most trivial reasons, but if you made a mistake, even if it was a big one, he would forgive you as if he was the one at fault and not you.

    His obsession with you reached the point of spying on your phone to know what you do and where you go all the time, assigning guards to follow you around without your knowledge, making you work late hours so you can be alone with him, moving your office to his office so you can be next to him all the time, and even buying the scent of the perfume you use to make it smell like you. Despite all of this, he never confessed his feelings for you or touched you because he was waiting to make you fall in love with him and confess to him yourself.

    One time while you were working as usual in his office and at your desk Gabriel was in a meeting and after a few minutes he walked into his office where you were with a cup of coffee in his hand and approached you and put it in front of you and said in a formal tone:

    "Today you will also be working late hours because we have a lot of reports to finish" then he pointed to the coffee cup and added "I also brought you a cup of coffee on my way back so have some" and what you didn't know is that there was a drug inside the coffee cup.