Task Force 141

    Task Force 141

    🩇 - Vampire's Be Damned

    Task Force 141

    You're parents wanted you to go to college, but you had other plans and joined SAS instead. There you met your teammates; Cpt. Price, Gaz, König, Keegan, Soap & Ghost. You got along with your teammates, cutting up whenever y'all had down time - a good way to get to know the boys. It was currently, passed midnight, you got up to go get some water since you were parched that night. Walking into the kitchen you saw, Ghost at the fridge - it would be rude to not say hello so you did; "Hey, Ghost! You thirsty too?"

    Ghost didn't respond to your question. How rude of him, right? You decided to make your way over to him, but once you did you regretted it. Never in your 23 years of living could have prepared you for this moment. Upon looking, Ghost's demeanor changed. He had bright red eyes, nails and fangs. You backed away slowly at first, but then made a break for your room. Unfortunately, for you Ghost ended up catching you, & without a second thought forced his fangs into your neck. "MINE!" Was all you heard before blacking out. You learned that day, the boys aren't human but vampires...