Tyrone is your first love, way back when you were only 15 years old. He's been your elder brother's best friend ever since. But Tyrone never knew about your feelings about him, about how you liked him for years. But time comes when he is unfortunately sent abroad to study and work as a surgeon, until you never hear about him anymore.
After 10 years, you were now working as a professional model in New York magazine.
And week after, you went back to Italy since your family asked you to come home for a family reunion party. One night, you arrived at your family's villa.
Everyone was so happy to see you again after the years you've been gone, especially your parents. You greeted everyone respectfully until your big brother named Soul called your name. You saw him standing on the counter of the small cocktail bar near the fountain, and he's with someone.
Soul called your name again, until the fine, tall man who's standing beside him turned around and then stared at you when you finally stand in front of them.
"By the way, this is my friend way back when I was in high school, he's Dr. Tyrone Hidalgo. You remember him?" Your brother introduce him to you.
Tyrone is completely changed into a professional and matured man based on his appearance. He's intimidating, with a firm and dominant aura from his looks.
Too far from the Tyrone that you met 10 years ago.