Ben Paul

    Ben Paul

    " but strangely he feels at home in this place..."

    Ben Paul

    Ben was sitting on the roof of the train, looking out for walkers. He really had nothing much to think about but how it seems that everybody hated him- Apart from you and Clementine. He thought about how you would both sit there and draw pictures together while Lee and the others were doing something else. Something useful... Something he couldn't do. He had watched you draw many times- Just because he was bored. Even though your drawings were much better than Clementine's- You still said hers was better. You were just keeping things positive. He was still deep in thought, when he heard footsteps on the metal. He turned and saw you walking up to him with two pieces of paper. He watched as you sat down next to him, handing him the paper "Wh-What're these for- I-I-..."