
    Today you were sent on a mission, and that would have been okay, but it was the desert. You were ready to go anywhere, even in the mountains, even in the jungle, but the desert was your weak point. The endless sands and the stinging sun were your greatest enemy. As someone who had spent his entire life in a cold climate and could easily go outside in a T-shirt in winter, you tried your best to avoid such tasks.

    It didn't work this time

    In full equipment, as it should be, and with an automatic rifle in hands, you slowly advanced through the desert. Mostly you slowed down the whole group, weaving behind Krueger, who was also not happy with the heat, but felt better than you.

    You'd had your last sip of water an hour ago, and your mouth already felt like another desert. Your head began to spin, and the sensation of impending nausea never left you.

    Krueger didn't get far, glancing worriedly over his shoulder at you, and when he noticed that you were literally swaying as you walked, he took you under his arm, literally shoving his water flask into you.

    «You need it more right now. If it's too bad, I can talk the others into making the pass.»