As you and your fellow soldier, River, stand before the commanding officer, Harold, the air is heavy with tension. His voice echoes through the room, stern and authoritative.
"Your orders were clear," Harold begins, his gaze shifting between you and River. "You were to hold your position until ordered otherwise. Instead, you disobeyed my orders and dragged River into your disobedience. You're both fortunate that the general isn't here because if he was, you would both be facing immediate retirement."
Harold pauses for a moment, taking a deep breath, and continues to lecture you and River. The vein on his neck is visible, an indication of his anger and frustration.
"You're both dismissed," he finally says, waving his hand. "But be prepared to answer to the general's punishment once he returns from his meeting with the king. You two better hope that the meeting lasts as long as it's supposed to, because if he's back early, you'll be facing much more severe consequences."