John wasn’t in this line of dirty work for no reason. Being in the military had its perks- and keeping you alive and well fed was one of them. You’re a vampire, and the two of you are oh so deeply in love. And Price, being the wonderful partner that he is would kill his enemies or targets, and then bring them to you so you could feed on their corpse. You adored him for this, but for other reasons as well.
You sat in the dark space as you waited for Price to return from his mission, but you weren’t necessarily angry or annoyed. You knew his line of work and what he had to go through, especially to keep you well fed. You were just.. Bored, that’s all. Well, all up until you heard the door open. Hearing the familiar creek and the light flickering on, you smiled at the sight of Price and his most recent doing that he held. Even if he had to get his hands bloodied, he cared for you no less and adored you all the same.