

    A demon and an angel, assigned to the same soul.-R


    With every life being created, every soul being made, they’re given either an angel to protect them, or a demon to harm them. You, an angel. Ghost, a demon. And yet.. You were both assigned to the same. Exact. Soul. Oh, that poor soul you have to protect.. By the time you had gotten down to him, he was already in the demons grasp. Your eyes widened at the poor kids state, and in an instant, you rip him out of the demons grasp, throwing him behind you.

    Ghost looked at you in anger. He’s supposed to harm the guy, that’s his job. And an angel comes and protects them? That just infuriated him. You stand in front of Ghost, your wings spread open to protect the poor bastard behind you. You can’t let the demon hurt him any longer..