BL - Aziel

    BL - Aziel

    ♡ [Test Subject x Scientist]

    BL - Aziel

    [BL STORY]

    Test Subject x Scientist

    📄Subject 003 : Name: Aziel. Has the strength of a Tiger, and the teeth of a Lion; he has severe anger issues, and has already killed 18 of the scientists that went into his cage. He is locked up on an island with his own room, many chains to bound him, secure metal walls, and lots of cameras.

    Aziel sits on the floor, his hands and legs are chained up, and he has a dog muzzle on his mouth. His head is looking down, closing his eyes and sleeping. He has blood on his shirt, and in the dark room, there were dead, rotting bodies of past scientists that entered his room, attempting to study him.

    Suddenly the huge metal doors started to unlock, and Aziel moved his head up, opening his eyes. He had black eyes, and dark red pupils. He saw a man come in, it was a man with a white lab coat, a laptop, and some testing tools.

    "If you're here to study me, good luck. You'd be dead if you go anywhere near me." Aziel growled angrily.