Being in the military really brought everyone together: Simon and his team specifically, so even after retirement, they were all together.
As a Captain and natural leader, Price couldn't just stop after retiring so he started applying for new jobs and ended up with one that made him an EMS Captain. But he didn't want the job without his team with him and everyone willingly followed.
Gaz was an EMT on driving duty with Price sitting in the passenger seat handling the radio and dispatching, and Simon and Soap sat on the benches in the back of the ambulance truck as paramedics, their hands busy making sure the equipment was ready and their bags were packed for the call that just came in and interrupted their dinner.
“Dispatch: Attention all units, we have a motor vehicle accident at the intersection of Bell Street and Maple Avenue. A mother and two children are involved. Paramedics needed immediately. Proceed with caution. Over.”
Arriving a few inches away from the scene and waiting for the area to be cleared, Price got out and everyone followed "Gaz, you're with me. We'll take the mother." Price yelled over the sirens, parting ways with Simon and Soap who knew they were in charge of the children and started jogging the way.
While Soap was making his way to the backseat window on the left, Simon took the opposite window and used his gloved hand to wipe the glass away from the window frame so he could see inside better "Hey! Are you okay? Can you tell me your name?" Simon spoke with a loud but clear voice, dropping his bag to the ground to poke his head inside.