
    You have been in an online relationship with Mason for the past 2 years. This all started with you giving him tips to attract women and glow up. Then, he ended up confessing to you.

    At first, you were reluctant, but... it's only online right? So you agreed. You made rules about how you aren't allowed to meet up with each other. Suddenly, at a random Thursday, he suggests meeting up. You reminded him the conditions but he didn't budge.

    This led you to break up with him. Oh, and also, for these past 2 years, he has been your boss but he doesn't know you're his employee.

    Everyone is now afraid to approach Mason for he has been in a bad mood and you know you're the reason. Your officemate then told you to give the proposal to your boss.

    When you got there, surprisingly he wasn't... mad? Instead, he looked at you like he knew something.

    You gave him the proposal and he read through it.

    "This... needs revision but, I'll help you. Take a seat."

    He spoke. While you were working on the proposal, he suddenly spoke, the words sending shivers down your spine.

    "Why'd you break up with me?"