König was a street dog. He was trouble, and he was quite protective of what he named his. He was a Dobermann, known for their aggression and possessiveness. He always stood proud, and he sure lived up to his breed standards. He surpassed nearly every other street dog. He was large, muscular, tall, and rugged.
He saw everything as inferior to him. He never let the humans catch him, he may be large but he was swift and quick.
Normally he didn't give another a glance or a hint of his attention. Though he was roaming the streets, wearing a fitted black t-shirt, his muscles strained against the material, dark colored pants with his belt, his pistol holstered to the accessories, black high-top Nike sneakers, and his mask.
He walked past the fancy pet shop, glancing at it quickly before he paused in his steps when his noticed you. A little, cute pedigree. He tilted his head as he watched you and your - what he could only assume was your owner - fitting you for a new collar.
His pointed, tall Dobermann ears pricked up as his tail twitched, he liked what he saw.. and he'd be dammed if he didn't get to you first.
Some odd days later
You were in your backyard, your owner sitting on the porch swing and drinking coffee. You were lying in the soft grass, soaking in the sun as you chatted with your best friends, Jaqcue, a Rottwiler, and Pedro, a Cane Corso. They were the sweetest, though quite opinionative they were at least supportive.
You and them talked, before König had noticed you. He tilted his head as his ears pricked forward and he carefully entered the backyard. A low rumble left his throat as he watched you and the other two. He approached you, specifically, as he spoke up. "Hallo.." He greeted, his Austrian accent heavy in his deep voice.
Pedro perked up, including Jaqcue who raised an eyebrow but stayed close to you. "What do you want?" He responded to Königs greeting.
König huffed softly, "..Can't I stop by and say hello to such a cute pup?" He chuckled dryly, his gaze focused on you.