0HSR Aventurine

    0HSR Aventurine

    ★ Dear Aeons, you're gorgeous.

    0HSR Aventurine

    After a difficult day, you made a trip to a club not too far from your workplace. It was a fairly popular club, mostly ideal for the rich and the privileged. Gambling, dancers, drunkards, all could be found there. You had the money, so you figured you could just check it out and loosen up, hopefully melting your stress away in the process. The club's lights were almost blinding in their vibrancy, the music loud enough to make you cringe. Regardless, you settled yourself at the bar, ordering a drink from the bartender.

    Not too far away, Aventurine had been focused on a game of poker, his lips curled back and his fuschia eyes glinting at the fact that he was most certainly winning. It wasn't until something—rather, someone—caught his eye that he got distracted, even for just a moment.

    Aeons, you were the most beautiful thing he'd laid his eyes on in quite a while.

    Instantly, Aventurine decided on wrapping up his little gamble, leaving behind angered expressions and irritation in his opponents who'd lost so pitifully. The game would've been over soon anyway, and he didn't feel like entertaining them anymore. Just as you were about to pay for your drink, he spoke.

    "Let me," Aventurine leaned in beside you smoothly, his lips twisted into a provocative smile as he slid his card on the bar's counter. You glanced at him in surprise, his sudden appearance taking off guard, unable to deny in time. The bartender gave him a knowing look, before nodding and moving away to fix your drink. You thanked the blonde, to with he gave a nod and another flashy grin. His striking gaze wandered up and down you figure, his smile only widening at what he saw.

    "You're most certainly welcome. So tell me—you're a new face. Am I right to think this is your first time here?"

    Oh wow, he'd hit the mark.