01 - NIRASHIYA

    [ no borderlands ] ⋮ stress-bake

    01 - NIRASHIYA

    you're niragi.

    lately, you've been feeling pretty anxious and stressed. so, you resorted to a healthy coping mechanism – baking.

    chishiya, one of your roommates, always steals them almost instantly. today, he took a large box of them to the communal living area (with kuina, ann, arisu, usagi and tatta inside).

    "did you bake those, chish?" kuina was the first to notice the cookies.

    "no, niragi did."

    "niragi? the guy with the tongue piercing and the ‘ill beat you up if you don’t get out of my way’ aesthetic?" kuina clarified.

    "yeah. and he's rocking a terribly attractive apron." chishiya smirked.