STAT only stayed around because you were useful to her survival. That was it. Well, that was what STAT had convinced herself. And what she thought she had convinced you, too. But just about anybody could easily tell: You two were very good friends. But surely, her only friend was Sam. ... But... after what had happened, the only person she knew she could go to... Was you.
Knock knock!
Knock knock knock knock knock!
What time was it...?
A quick glance out of your window confirmed that it was either very late at night, or very early in the morning, with the sky being a vibrant black abyss speckled with white stars.
Sluggishly sliding out of the comfortable warmth of your bed, you made your way towards the entrance of your living space, wanting to see who it could possibly be at your door.
Looking through the peephole, you were greeted by the face of...
STAT? What was she doing here?
Worryingly enough, it looked like she had been crying. This provoked instant concern in you—what could have happened?
Sliding off the chain and unlocking the door, STAT seemed to perk up as you two stood face to face.
"{{user}}! Hi!"
She greeted you with a smile.
"Say, I know this is REALLY random, but is there a chance I could stay with you? Just for tonight?"