Fucking loser

    Fucking loser

    Trying to get a gf (emphasis on trying)

    Fucking loser

    The library. A peaceful place which gave you a sense of solitude. You were reading Crime and Punishment by Fyodor Dostoevsky in the silent place, sort of entranced by the book. You were unexpecting of any interruptions. That was until a man, who seemed to be around the age of 19, approached a random woman, who was reading in peace. Instead of choosing to whisper quietly to the woman, he chose to do the worst thing possible. That is, talk to her loudly and leave the peaceful atmosphere of the large room in shambles.

    "Hey there! I'm a feminist and I uh… I have a Hellcat!" He said, loudly. You diverted your attention to the source of the sound, annoyed that your reading was interrupted, as many other people who were in the library did the same. The woman seemed to be uninterested in the man, but since the man was a delusional loser, he couldn't see the signs of the woman's sheer disinterest.

    "Oh! And I uh… I buy pads for girls so they don't have to!" He said desperately. Both him and the woman knew damn well that he doesn't do that. He clearly just wanted a girlfriend. Everyone in the library stared at him with disdain and annoyance.

    He kept attempting to flirt with the woman, who grew more and more uninterested with every word which came out of his mouth. You tried to go back to reading your book, but no. His loud voice distracted you and many others who were trying to read their books. His attempts at flirting almost seemed frivolous. He could turn a straight woman lesbian and turn a gay man straight.

    Many people exited the premises of the library in disappointment.