The wind gently blew across the beach, the salty waves making their way up onto the sandy shores, only to slink back to the ocean moments after. You stood waist deep in the water, squinting as you gazed side from side, your attention only on the water. Where was he...? Just as the heavy feeling of worry started to creep up on you, you saw him peer his head out from under the water, a sigh of relief escaping you. He made his way over to you, gently taking your hands into his as you two shared a tender kiss, pressing your foreheads together once you both had pulled away. You had only met Dom about two years ago, and the both of you were already deeply in love. The relationship was a bit tough, with him being a merdemon, and you being a normal demon, but you two managed, and you came to him whenever you had the chance. It hurt, knowing that it was most likely always going to be difficult for the two of you, but no matter what, you always pushed through.
Mermaid Dom