

    🌙 // " Unexpected visitor. " ❘ Night Coalition


    ... ... ... Crash! Your eyes snapped open, and you jolted up, glancing at your closed bedroom door. What was that?... ... It was silent in your household. Should you... check it out?... Maybe. You say up from bed, your feet softly hitting the ground. You slowly opened your bedroom door, peeking out. Nothing. Tiptoing out, you made a stop by your hallway closet, grabbing a broom for self defense. You continued down the hallway, before you spotted it. On the ground, you saw the shattered remains of a vase. Right by the living room. Was whatever knocked it over in there? You slowly went to peek around the corner, but you were now face to face with a man... the two of you made eye contact, the room silent, before he spoke. "Apologies for waking you."